Thursday, August 30, 2012


Just another big city that is totally different from the other big city that i was at a month ago, Tokyo.
It would have been better if i wrote this the moment i came back, but then i will sound like im complaining too much for someone who just got back X3 (Wait thats normal)
I am going to complain abit though.

Firstly, the weather is certainly too cold for my liking- it has started to warm up these few days. So i guess thats a plus.
Its different in a sense that Australia is so WIDE ...I find it so spacious... and so laid back and slow- until sometimes i get irritated by the slowness of the transportation system here. And its inefficiency. LOL. I complained about the food, i complained about the train's manual push green button doors, i complained  about the toilets, i complained about the water here, i complained about everything basically. Im such a little whiner. LETS DO A QUICK RANDOM THINGS I MISSED ABOUT TOKYO! I havent actually listed it in my head though.

10 THINGS I MISS ABOUT JAPAN: (im not sure if its in order, i miss just basically everything)
JAPANESE FOOD IS THE BEST. I dont know :( I love the food a lot. Like there is literally no place where you can find BAD food. Japan is great for food. For the raw fish and ramens. :3 Anything! Ahhh T_T

I love the subways in Japan not only they come ever 2-4 minutes ON TIME, (other than being really packed at like peak hours) THE COMFY SEATS AND THE QUIETNESS OF THE TRAIN IS TOO AWESOME... (donno about comfy seats but the trains are usually clean and quiet) It is sad to admit that our trains have rubbish and sticky floor and noisy high school screaming kids and never fails to be late everytime!

Funny how this is the third thing i think about, not the bullet train or the japanese anime street.....Hm. The free tissues is certainly a bonus. No need to buy your own tissues there. Just scab the freebies. Its cold here. ive been using a lot of tissues O_O

Harajuku is famous for their fashion street and people with interesting hairstyle and clothings. Other than that, there is harajuku crepes. There's a shop at MC named Harajuku Crepes isnt there. I dont frequent HARAJUKU as its too crowded, but me and mandy likes to pop down and have crepe. :) Just for the fun of it.

5. IZAKAYAS(居酒屋)
And why am i missing izakayas?An izakaya (居酒屋?) is a type of Japanese drinking establishment which also serves food to accompany the drinks. They are casual places for after-work drinking. - Creds; WIKI
I love to eat the food at izakaya and drink beers and laugh like a old man. HAHAHAH XD not really. I do miss the Chuhais though. Like i really miss them. Its just like soda and shochu. Its yummy!!

6.IKEBUKURO!!!!!!!!! is what i want to make as no.6 since i just finished DRRR and i have loved it so much but. not 6 is actually.... UENO/INNARICHOU/WASEDA
The place i live at. I love commuting to school and back. Its fun. I dont know why, just being in japan, makes everything exciting. even if it means to go to school and back. I do miss doing the daily routines of getting on Ginza line changing at Nihombashi to take the Tozai line then walking to campus

7. CONBINI + HYAKUEN SHOPS + DONQUIXOTE + ....crap i frogot.
I cant believe it, its only been less that a month i forgot that stores name? I suck.
Anyway ah why yes Japanese Convinient store. Get everything in there. ANYTHING AND EVERYTHING! I miss just eating conbini food just like poor college students. -laughs- We get like salad and all that japanese onigiri.
100 yen shop you can get all the cheap stuff.
Don Quixote is the next place to get cheap cheap things. Like DAISO buti dont frequent daiso.

Its so cheap there its really cheap. its insane. I have a friend Amy that goes karaoke everyweek. Yup it is that cheap. I only been to a few times mmhmm

9. MATSURIS!!!!!!!!
The festivals ah yes. every season has its own special festival. Going to festival and just embracing the japanese culture and emmersing yourself in it wearing the japanese traditional yukata is a lot of fun. ^^ Please please go to a festival if you have a chance to.

10. The last one. What shall i say? The language itself - Japanese
Being a person really passionate about the language, i find it so fascinating that my ears get accustomed to Japanese <3 and it is beautiful. I love how i can hear and see it everyday everywhere. ^^

Im sure if i really have to sit down and think what do i miss . This will be endless.
OF course i miss my host family and my friends. That is the obvious.
Japan still feels like a dream and i think about it everyday still. <3
It is a blessing and a treasure that i will never ever forget.
The memories i have of that place
The people that i formed precious bonds with
Are still here <3 So its not entirely a DREAM!......

Now reading all this you feel like i hate melbourne so much and you are probably thinking. GO BACK TO JAPAN THEN WHY DID YOU EVEN COME BACK!
I didnt want to, i had to .JKS! 
I came back not only because of the study but because of my family and friends.
The probably only reason why im here now.
Though i did miss a great deal of fresh fruits and my piano and my bedroom and my slurpee and dumplings 8D
But yes.........i have returned back to the life of someone who sleeps eats and sits. This is bad. i have to find some job

I want to see everyone that i havent seen (which is everyone)
SCHOOLS A DRAG HERE. I am sad that i have to return to school.
This has been  a long entry. I did this just to kill time and yeah. :3 I will update more about Japan tomorrow or so~~

Ciao. my lovelies.
-xx K